Arya Samaj Mandir Aligarh 9818476605

Arya Samaj Mandir Aligarh

Arya Samaj Mandir Aligarh Arya Samaj marriage rituals are very simple and straight. Based on Vedic principles, all the hymns spelled during marriages are explained to the bride and groom. The marriage is just like Hindu marriage, marriage is centered around fire and is observed as the transition of wedding couple from Brahmacharya to Grihastha Ashram.

Who are eligible for an Arya Samaj marriage

  1. Age of the groom must be 21 and bride 18.
  2. Any person who is Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs can perform Arya Samaj Marriage.
  3. Any person who is not Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews can also perform Arya Samaj Marriage.
  4. Inter-Caste Marriages and Inter-Religious Marriages can also be performed in an Arya Samaj Marriage provided none of the marrying persons are Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews.
  5. If a non-Hindu couple would like to perform the marriage, the Samaj allows them to get converted through a process called Shuddhi. Muslims, Christians, Parsis or Jews, if, out of their free will and consent are ready to convert and embrace Hindu Religion, the Arya Samaj Mandir perform a ritual called shuddhi meaning purification for such conversion, and thereafter, such a convert can perform Arya Samaj Marriage.

Wedding rituals and procedure in Arya Samaj marriages

An Arya Samaj marriage takes around 1-2 hours for the completion of entire marriage. All one needs are basic paper requirements, two garlands, and sweets! The wedding rituals involved in marriage are:

Documents required for solemnisation of Arya Samaj Marriage

  1. 4 copies of coloured photograph of both bride and the groom
  2. Date of birth proof and address proof of both marrying parties.
  3. Bride and groom should be of competent age. 18 for bride and 21 for groom.
  4. Standing of two witnesses to witness the holy ceremony.
  5. In case where a marrying party is divorced, then, certified copy of divorce certificate issued by the court.
  6. In case where a marrying party is a widow, the death certificate of the dead spouse.
  7. Where a marrying party  is a foreign citizen or holding a foreign passport or is having foreign residential address- Certificate of present marital status of the party/No Impediment Certificate/ NOC from concerned Embassy and Valid VISA