Arya Samaj Mandir In Matiala 9818476605

Welcome To Arya Samaj Mandir In Matiala

Arya Samaj Mandir In Matiala, Though we try to solemnize every marriage at our Arya Samaj Marriage with all rituals and rites, we expect couples to bring all documents and inform us about the services they need in advance so that no hurdles come in during wedding.

In Mandir premises, all Vedic rituals starting from Aasan, Jal and Madhupark se Satkar through Godan, Kanyadaan, Pratigya Mantra, Thread Ceremony, Havan, Vishesh Havana, Pani Grahan Sanskar, Shilarohan, Lajahom, Parikrama, Saptapadi, Suryanamaskar, Hriday Sparshmantra, Sindoor to Mangalsutra and Ashirwaad are performed to make every wedding pious, sacred and sanctimonious.

Marriage procedure is very simple and sweet but you must have to fill all the formalities as well as book the mandir in advance.You have to register in that office, and submit along with other necessary requisites of the office.After the successful registration or submission they will give a date for your marriage in prior .Go to the mandir at desired date,there must be some in charge of all these things.
After solemnization of marriage they will give you a marriage certificate which makes you legal husband and wife.

Wedding in Arya Samaj is one of the most preferred options for people looking to get married in a simple and non-flamboyant way. Arya Samaj wedding provides a common door to people belonging to different caste and religions to come under one roof and get married without any discrimination of caste, religion or standard. Not only this, but the weddings taking place in Arya Samaj Mandir are fully certified and a couple can get their marriage certificate immediately after the wedding.

Arya Samaj Mandir In Matiala.