Arya Samaj Mandir In Moti Nagar 9999423333

Welcome To Arya Samaj Mandir In Moti Nagar 

Arya Samaj Mandir In Moti Nagar, Welcome to arya samaj mandir moti nagar, Our offered arya samaj services are Marriages of all kinds, Marriage Solemnization, Marriage Rituals, Marriage Certificate and Bridal Make Ups. The marriage ceremonies we conduct is done as per Arya Marriage Validation Act XIX of 1937. There are many ways of marriages in our society as per religions, cast and rituals. Brides and bridegrooms choose to have Arya Samaj Wedding.

Today Marriage, introducing Arya Samaj Mandir in moti nagar. If you are planning to do Arya samaj Mandir, we are here to help you and participate with you. This is a right place to choose arya samaj marriage. We are performing marriage ceremony under Hindu marriage act and Arya samaj marriage validation act 1937. This act recognized and remove doubts of inter cast marriage or arya samaj marriage.

An organization built on such a strong foundation is unlikely to fail in its endeavors. It is not easy to adhere to such principles but Arya Samaj has been working very hard to put an end to any kind of discrimination prevalent in the society.
Arya Samaj Mandir – Giving A New Outlook For Life

Arya Samaj Mandir has changed the way we think and live. They have been able to bring changes in the old practices and traditions followed by us. Arya Samaj Mandir is a unique body that believes in uniting two souls and giving them a new way of leading their lives. People with no or little support system are welcome to come and celebrate their union. The best part of Arya Samaj Mandir is that it is open throughout the year, even on festivals and holidays as it supports the view that every day is special and auspicious for a new beginning. It performs weddings of all kinds including love marriages, inter-caste, inter-religion and widow marriages.

Arya Samaj Mandir In Moti Nagar.