Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate Karnal
Arya Samaj Marriage Certificate Karnal. Arya Samaj Marriage is applicable amongest Hindus, Buddhists, Sikhs or Jains. A Hindu marriage can be solemnized between two Hindus (often when they are of different religion or nations) (Muslim or Christian) can convert their own religion into Hinduism and become Hindus in the Arya Samaj Mandir with their own free will and consult.
The procedure of Arya Samaj Marriage is very simple and gets solemnized within 1:30-2:00 hours. To get married according to Arya Samaj system its required to submit a few genuine documents i.e. birth certificate to verify the original date of birth, affidavits stating date of birth, marital status and nationality (independently by both the parties), two witnesses from each side. A valid marriage certificate is also provided after successful completion of whole marriage ceremony that may be registered in Indian Courts for further social security. Further I am going to describe the major sovereign benefits of Arya Samaj Marriage.
It is advisable for couple marrying to make sure to get the certificate as it is becoming a problem with demand of marriage certificate rising specially for females when they go for bank accounts, dependent visas etc. Although it is not impossible to get it later but there are still hassles which can be easily avoided.
We provides a complete range of marriage like love marriages, court marriages , Inter religion Marriage Certificate related services and offers one stop solution to all marriage related problems. We at Arya Samaj Marriage Center not only entertain people in getting married at our mandir premises but do organize all needs to solemnize marriage peacefully and as per the couple’s choice.
Best Arya Samaj Mandir In Karnal
Documents Required for the Performance Arya Samaj Mandir Marriage & Registration Marriage.
1. Date of Birth Proof (Municipal Corporation Certificate, Xth Examination Certificate (School Certificate), Passport) of Marrying Persons.
2. Residential Proof (Voter Card / Passport / Ration Card / Driving License / Bank Passbook / Lease Deed / Rent Deed) of Marrying Persons.
3. Passport Size Photographs – four each of Marrying Persons.
4. If any party is divorcee Certified copy of Decree of Divorce granted by the Court.
5. If any party is widow / widower Death Certificate of the dead spouse.
6. If any party is a Foreign Citizen or holding a foreign Passport or is having foreign residential address – Certificate of Present Marital Status of the party / No Impediment Certificate / NOC from concerned Embassy and Valid VISA.
7. Two Witnesses with I. D. (Residence) proof – Voter I Card, Driving Licence, Passport, Ration Card, Unic I D (Aadhar Card), Residence Certificate and Bank Passbook.