Arya Samaj Marriage Fees Gandhinagar 9999423333

Arya Samaj Marriage Fees Gandhinagar

Arya Samaj Marriage Fees Gandhinagar Arya Samaj provides marriage certificates with the condition that the institute it uses should be set up in accordance with law and should be registered with Registrar of Societies. The certificates can be issued to the couples who were married in the past with Arya Samaj traditions. The procedure for current and past marriages all remains the same, the only problem is to get the witnesses of marriage if the marriage was conducted long ago. The problem also occurs when the couple has moved to different city after marriage as the place where is marriage is solemnized is where it is issued or the place to which the groom or bride belongs. If these problems are solved, it is definitely possible for couples to get proper marriage certificate even if happened in the past but was as per Arya Samaj marriage rituals and traditions.

Wedding in Arya Samaj is one of the most preferred options for people looking to get married in a simple and non-flamboyant way. Arya Samaj wedding provides a common door to people belonging to different caste and religions to come under one roof and get married without any discrimination of caste, religion or standard. Not only this, but the weddings taking place in Arya Samaj Mandir are fully certified and a couple can get their marriage certificate immediately after the wedding.bnn

Arya Samaj Marriage Fees Gandhinagar

Wedding in Arya Samaj is one of the most preferred options for people looking to get married in a simple and non-flamboyant way. Arya Samaj wedding provides a common door to people belonging to different caste and religions to come under one roof and get married without any discrimination of caste, religion or standard. Not only this, weddings taking place in Arya Samaj Mandir are fully certified and a couple can get their marriage certificate immediately after the wedding.

Arya Samaj followers worked against the Brahmins to prove that Vedas does not mention anything about idol worship rather it states that God is omnipotent and could not be confined in a lock. Swami Dayanand and his followers were the ones to launch the great movement against the concept of Untouchability which later was followed by Gandhi and Congress during post independence. Arya Samaj and his followers propagated against the evils of child marriage and polygamy. They moved from village to village preaching and educating people to remove these evils from the society. Arya Samaj also eradicated the barbaric act of Sati Pratha from the society and brought widow remarriage into existence. The greatest mission of Arya Samaj is to build a strong nation of self-rule, equality and freedom with fearless, united, true and dedicated National Religion. They fought religiously against the orthodox Hindu organizations and Brahmins that had propagated the false and blind beliefs in the society from ages. Arya Samaj is working to unite Indians as Hindus with no caste no religion and no discrimination.