How To Register Marriage In Ghaziabad Court
How To Register Marriage In Ghaziabad Court In our country marriage registration can be done under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or the Special Marriage Act. Special marriage Act is valid to all the citizens of India. Every religion has their marriage acts according to which a couple can register their marriage. Irrespective to caste, creed or religion, marriage registration is a vital process. After registration of your marriage you will get the marriage certificate which acts as a legal evidence. Remove at least 8 to 10 copies of this certificate as it would be essential to submit it at various places like banks, passport offices, courts and other such places.
Whether your marriage was a big fat Indian wedding or a simple court marriage, your marriage will be lawful only when it gets registered. Marriage registration is an important legal procedure in India. If you want to prove that you have got married to someone then more than the wedding photographs or invitation card, marriage certificate serves as an official proof for your marriage. In India, marriage registration has become mandatory by law. You can register your marriage before performing the marriage rituals or after the ceremony takes place. However the legal process not only is a proof for your marriage but the marriage certificate is useful for many other official purposes like applying for passport, transfer of property, for changing the name of the partner etc.How To Register Marriage In Ghaziabad Court.
How To Register Marriage In Ghaziabad Court
A marriage which has already been solemnized can be register either under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs or where they have converted into any of these religions. Where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Jains or Sikhs the marriage is registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.How To Register Marriage In Ghaziabad Court.
Eligibility for such a marriage is:
• One person must be a citizen of India.
• The bride must have attained 18 years of age and the groom 21 years.
• Neither party must have another existing spouse.
• Either part should not have another valid marriage.
• Neither party must be an idiot or a lunatic.
• The couple must not be within prohibited degrees of relationship.