Marriage Registration In Kanpur 9818476605

Marriage Registration In Kanpur

Marriage Registration In Kanpur,

Making all the arrangements for your beautiful wedding ceremony is enough. Your marriage won’t be legal unless you get it registered. This is a common procedure, which has to be followed by everyone. Find out how you can get a marriage certificate both before and after the ceremony. It is a rule that all the marriages have to be registered whether you are having a wedding ceremony or not.

If a marriage is not registered it is not considered valid during legal procedures such as, applying for a joint home loan . You could also be fined for not registering your marriage.

A marriage certificate is an important proof, in case there are some problems between you and your spouse in the future and a legal action needs to be taken.

Best Marriage Registration In Kanpur

What is a Marriage Certificate and Why is it Needed?

A Marriage Certificate is the proof of registration of a marriage. The need for a Marriage Certificate arises in case you need to prove that you are legally married to someone, for purposes like obtaining a passport, changing your maiden name, etc.

Legal Framework

In India, a marriage can be registered under either of the two Marriage Acts: the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or the Special Marriage Act, 1954. To be eligible for marriage, the minimum age limit is 21 for males and 18 for females. The parties to a hindu marriage should be unmarried or divorced, or if previously married, the spouse by that marriage should not be alive. In addition, the parties should be physically and mentally healthy and must not be related in a way prohibited by the law.

The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable only to the Hindus, whereas the Special Marriage Act is applicable to all citizens of India.

The Hindu Marriage Act provides for registration of an already solemnised marriage. It does not provide for solemnisation of a marriage by the Registrar. The Special Marriage Act provides for solemnisation of a marriage as well as registration by a Marriage Officer.

Marriage Registration In Kanpur.