Registered Arya Samaj Mandir Kanpur 9999423333

Registered Arya Samaj Mandir Kanpur

Registered Arya Samaj Mandir Kanpur. Arya Samaj provides marriage certificates with the condition that the institute it uses should be set up in accordance with law and should be registered with Registrar of Societies. The certificates can be issued to the couples who were married in the past with Arya Samaj traditions. The procedure for current and past marriages all remains the same, the only problem is to get the witnesses of marriage if the marriage was conducted long ago. The problem also occurs when the couple has moved to different city after marriage as the place where is marriage is solemnized is where it is issued or the place to which the groom or bride belongs. If these problems are solved, it is definitely possible for couples to get proper marriage certificate even if happened in the past but was as per Arya Samaj marriage rituals and traditions.

It is advisable for couple marrying to make sure to get the certificate as it is becoming a problem with demand of marriage certificate rising specially for females when they go for bank accounts, dependent visas etc. Although it is not impossible to get it later but there are still hassles which can be easily avoided.
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Registered Arya Samaj Mandir Kanpur

Arya Samaj Marriage is universally accepted and appreciated due to its reliability and simplicity. Arya Samaj Marriage is solemnized under Arya Samaj Validation Act 1937 (Section 19) and Hindu Marriage Act 1955, it is legally valid and globally recognized. These acts allow any Arya Samaj temple to solemnize love marriage, intercast marriage, and interreligion marriage. It is based on Vedas, follows rituals and purified by Vedic Mantra.

The procedure of Arya Samaj Marriage is very simple and gets solemnized within 2-3 hrs. To get married according to Arya Samaj system its required to submit a few genuine documents i.e. birth certificate to verify the original date of birth, affidavits stating date of birth, marital status and nationality (independently by both the parties), two witnesses from each side. A valid marriage certificate is also provided after successful completion of whole marriage ceremony that may be registered in Indian Courts for further social security. Further I am going to describe the major sovereign benefits of Arya Samaj Marriage.