Court Marriage Mathura 9999423333

Court Marriage Mathura

Court Marriage Mathura If you are native of India and in love with a person, you might not enjoy the support of your family for your marriage or may face stiff opposition. It might also be the case that your lover belongs to a different caste, religion or nationality.

In such cases, marriage becomes difficult, but not impossible- the Special Marriage Act 1954 comes to your rescue. This provision is also called as Court marriage.A court marriage is one, which is solemnized between persons of different nationalities, religions or castes. It operates in the marriage between two Indian nationals or a foreign national with an Indian national.

Making all the arrangements for your beautiful wedding ceremony is enough. Your marriage won’t be legal unless you get it registered. This is a common procedure, which has to be followed by everyone. Find out how you can get a marriage certificate both before and after the ceremony. It is a rule that all the marriages have to be registered whether you are having a wedding ceremony or not.
If a marriage is not registered it is not considered valid during legal procedures such as, applying for a joint home loan . You could also be fined for not registering your marriage. A marriage certificate is an important proof, in case there are some problems between you and your spouse in the future and a legal action needs to be taken.

Getting hitched is the most remarkable and terrific moment in one’s life and to make it more happening, we are here to help the blessed couple to enter the blessed world with low cost and without hassles. And the traditional marriage will be solemnized in few hours only.

Marriage is considered as sacred institution. It is a sacred bond between two people, whereby they spend the rest of their lives together. After the marriage solemnized between the bride and groom, there are certain requirements that must be fulfilled in order to give it a legal standing i.e. to make a valid under the laws prevalent in India.We serve court marriage in Mathura

Court Marriage Mathura

  • Eibility Conditions
  • Marriage solemnized already are registered under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955.
  • Either Bride or Bridegroom must be resident of the Tehsil in which the marriage is to be Registered.
  • At the time of Marriage the Bridegroom must have completed the age of 21 years and Bride the age of 18 years.
  • Both must be Hindus.