Arya Samaj Mandir In Babarpur 9818476605

Welcome To Arya Samaj Mandir In Babarpur

Arya Samaj Mandir In Babarpur,  as it involves very little expenses, people from all class can get married easily. As Arya Samaj is against dowry, marriage is solemnized without any dowry and it liberates lower and middle class people from the burden of dowry. One gets a legal marriage certificate that certify a couple legal husband and wife. Further, marriages conducted in arya samaj mandir are free from noise and too much rush, and is solemnized in peace while incorporating different Vedic rituals and chants.

The procedure of Arya Samaj marriage is very simple and easy as both wedding couples just need to produce genuine documents/certificates like birth Certificate and residential certificates, a simple affidavit and a few photographs. It generally takes 2-3 hours to solemnize the marriage. A certificate is provided by the Arya Samaj Mandir. On this certificate, the married couple can also register his marriage in marriage registration office/court.

An Act to recognise and remove doubts as to the validity of inter-marriage current among Arya Samajists.

Whereas it is expedient to recognise and place beyond doubt the validity of inter-marriages of a class of Hindus know as Arya Samajists; it is hereby enacted as follows:

Substituted by the Adaptation of lows Order, 1956 for the words part B State these part B states were Hyderabad J&K Mysore pepsu, Rajastha, Saurashtra and T.C.

Marriage between Arya Samajists not to be invalid.

Marriage between Arya Samajists 1 not to be invalid.

Not standing with any provision of Hindu Law, usage or custom to the contrary no marriage contracted whether before or after the commencement of this Act between two persons being at the time of the marriage Arya Samajists shall be invalid or shall be deemed ever to have been invalid by reason only of the fact that the parties at any belonged to different castes or different sub –castes of Hindu or both of the parties at any time he marriage belonged to a religion other than Hinduism.

Arya Samaj Mandir In Babarpur.